How do I post Deposits for online contributions/donations?

Note: Post Contributor Donations BEFORE posting the Deposit into the Checkbook. This will streamline the process.

Post the Deposit

  • Select the Online Giving Bank Acct.(top-left of the Transaction Register) If you have not Setup a Bank Account for the Online Giving Acct, then CLICK HERE for instructions.
  • Start a new Deposit entry by clicking the DEPOSIT button.
  • Set the Deposit Date.
  • The Donation Summary will appear listing recents donations.(see below)
    1. Select the Online Giving Service from the Drop-down menu.
    2. Click on the Day(s) that will be included in the Deposit. (will turn GREEN when selected)
    3. Make sure desired DONATION TYPES are selected.(ie. EFT and FEE CHARGED)
    4. Click AUTO-POST button

  • Deposit information will fill-in
  • Option: To show the Fees as Expenses rather than adjustments to Income:
    • Double-Click the EC column on the row that contains the Fees.
    • Choose the applicable Expense Category, Group and Account.
  • Save the Deposit. (Click Save Changes)
For more detailed information see: