How to quickly Post(Recall) a recurring Donation

The Donation Recall feature allows a recurring Donation to be Re-Posted on a different Date. To use the Recall feature:
Recall image
  • Un-Check the ALL DATES box if it is checked. (located below the REPORTS button.
  • Select the Donor Name on the Donor List
  • If the Donor has made previous Donations, then a list of those will appear in the upper-right area of the screen, in place of the Recall button. If the List does not appear, the Donor may not have previously posted donations to be recalled.
  • Press the RIGHT-ARROW key on the keyboard or Click on one of the Amounts in the Recall List.
  • The Donation(s) selected will be posted again on the Date selected. To select a different Donation to Recall, repeat the step above.