Our church will be paying more than 5.5% for WEF.  How do I account for this so that the Allocation Report shows the correct amount to pay for all the other allocations?

We will be paying a 10% Mission Special. How do I account for this so that the Allocation Report shows the extra exemption for the Mission Special offering?

  1. Open the Allocation Report. From the Checkbook screen, click on Reports and then Allocations.
  2. Find the "This Pmt." (This Payment) column. See the example below.
  3. Enter the full amount the church is going to pay into the This Pmt. column for WEF and/or Mission Specials and then press Enter on the keyboard
  4. The report will recalculate the amounts due based on amounts entered. Once paid, the amounts will automatically appear in the Amt. Paid column.
Linking Expense Accounts